french riadh mnasri technical expert / lead developer my links home experience education skills interests contact paris paris france download contact contact form professional status employed open to opportunities about me highly qualified, java and spring certified professional, passionate software engineer with more than 12 years experience in java jee development, i'm seeking for interesting opportunities in a very rich development projects. having excellent technical skills, i would like to work in both challenging and innovative projects using modern and popular open source technologies and frameworks such as spring, hibernate, jpa, rest, maven, git, angular, docker, jenkins, ... experience technical expert / lead developer / freelance wehightech since january 2017 ■ architecture design and continuous review ■ development (front, back, batch, api, ...) ■ developers mentoring and coaching ■ clean code practices ■ agile and tdd practices ■ continuous integration ■ deployment automation ■ bugs and issues troubleshooting (technical, functional, performance, security, ...) ► technical environment : java 8, spring boot, javascript, jquery, angular 4, typescript, maven/gradle, jenkins, nexus, sonar, git, tomcat 7/8, hibernate 5, jpa, rest, micro-services, junit 4/5, mockito, cucumber, intellij, linux redhat, ansible, docker, appdynamics, ... freelancer paris (france) java jee architect / lead developer bforbank december 2012 to december 2016 ■ designing and review of the architecture ■ defining solutions, frameworks, tools, ... ■ continually improving product architecture and design to meet ever increasing demand on performance and scalability ■ working with product management, qa and developers to deliver software releases of highest quality ■ writing technical documentation ■ mentoring software developers and lead development teams ■ developers trainings ■ clean code best practices and quality control ■ bugs and issues analysis and resolution (functional, performance, security, ...) ■ development and deployment of automation tools ■ design and development of pocs, apis and technical components ■ technological watch (devoxx, paris jug, bbls, meetups,...) ► technical environment : java 8, spring 4, maven 3, jenkins, nexus, sonar, git, tomcat 7/8, hibernate 4/5, jpa, rest, ehcache, hazelcast, junit, mockito, intellij, javascript, jquery, angular, reactjs, linux, docker, appdynamics, android, ios, ... full-time paris (france) java jee architect manpower march 2011 to november 2012 ■ architecture definition and review ■ involved in the design of various applications ■ development industrialization ■ design and development of technical modules, apis, ... ■ design and development of pocs ■ technical support for project teams ■ technical documentation ■ trainings of the project teams ■ technological watch (paris jug, technical events,...) ► technical environment : java 7, spring 3, maven, jenkins, artifactory, sonar, git, tomcat, hibernate 3, jpa, rest, ehcache, junit, mockito, javascript, jquery, linux, ... consultant paris (france) lead developer java jee societe generale november 2009 to february 2011 ■ development of new features, bug fixing and support level 3 for the bacardi application used by traders and financial analysts for pricing, risk analysis and var (value at risk) on shares and derivatives scope (ged global equities derivatives). ► technical environment : java 5, swing, ejb 3, junit, eclipse, maven, xml, clearcase, oracle, linux, grid computing, distributed cache "giga space", ... consultant paris (france) java jee senior software engineer nouvelles frontieres may 2009 to october 2009 ■ design and development of new features for the e-business company website ► technical environment : java 5, javascript, ajax, jsp, jstl, html, css, xml, struts 1.3, tiles, spring 3, jsf, hibernate 3, rest, soap, endeca, lucene, junit, easymock, log4j, quartz, velocity, maven, tomcat 5, eclipse, unix, oracle, ... consultant paris (france) java jee senior software engineer europe assistance october 2008 to april 2009 ■ design and development of a travel insurance new web application ■ design and development of sales integration engine for different partners of the company consultant paris (france) java jee senior software engineer bnp paribas assurance october 2007 to september 2008 ■ development of stock exchange order management web application. ■ development of new features and bug fixing of digital documents management web application consultant paris (france) java jee software engineer fnac may 2007 to september 2007 design and development of a web application useful for managing variable salary part for fnac employees. consultant paris (france) java jee software engineer caisse epargne december 2006 to april 2007 ■ development of new features for an application managing insurance contracts. ■ refactoring and design improvement of existing software components. consultant paris (france) java jee software engineer union bank of switzerland august 2005 to november 2006 design and development of java jee platform serving for performance monitoring, diagnosis and analysis of a the new online banking web application. consultant zurich (switzerland) java jee software engineer credit suisse january 2005 to july 2005 design and development of a log files parser and key performance indicators analysis java jee application. consultant zurich (switzerland) java jee software engineer business & decision september 2004 to december 2004 web development of an application managing channel subscribers for canal + consultant paris (france) skills architecture rest, soa, micro-services methodology scrum, xp, v3 (cmmi), rup development languages java/jee (servlets, jsp, jstl, ejb, jms, ...), javascript, script shell internet : http, xml/xslt, html, javascript, ajax, css, ... conception methods uml (rational rose, argo uml), merise (power amc), design patterns integrated development environment intellij, eclipse operating systems windows unix (aix, solaris, redhat) mac os application servers tomcat, tc server, webspshere, weblogic sql languages sql, pl-sql others multi-threading struts, sweetdev, jsf, play, gwt, ... spring (core, mvc, security, batch, ldap,...) , hibernate, jpa webservices (soap/rest) sax, jdom, stax, castor, dozer junit, easymock, mockito, hamcrest, festassert, log4j, logback ant, maven clearcase, cvs, subversion, git hudson, jenkins nexus, artifactory sonar (checkstyle, findbug, pmd, cobertura, jacoco, ...) jmeter, javamelody,... rdbms oracle, sql server, sybase, mysql db2, hsqldb interests new technologies new technologies, books and magazines sports biking travel education advanced english training - level c1 british council november 2016 to january 2017 toeic ets global january 2014 to january 2016 835 / 990 spring certified professional vmware (spring source) december 2012 82 / 100 blue belt certified knowledgeblackbelt november 2011 sun certified java programmer sun microsystem november 2007 software engineer emi september 2001 to july 2004 toefl emi 2003 507/677 share this resume on